February - Month of the Heart
It’s February – a month of celebrations and honoring our past and present leaders and innovators.
We have Presidents’ Day, initially recognizing our first President, George Washington’s birthday (February 22nd), and now honoring all our Presidents.
We illuminate and commemorate the extraordinary contributions African Americans have made to the United States with February designated as Black History month.
We also celebrate St. Valentine’s Day as the one day of the year to be mindful of the passion of love, in its many forms, and reminds us to love unconditionally.
The Enneagram Heart Center is motivated by the need to connect, be validated, appreciated, and affirmed. It informs the other two Centers of Intelligence (Body and Head) about the essential emotional needs and opportunities in life. While feelings are not facts, or provide certainty, they do inform and are essential in life.
The Heart Center’s three types (2 3 4) all share an unconscious motivator called – shame. This deep-rooted energy of feeling ‘less than’ drives heart types ‘to doing’ – giving, performing, or seeking uniqueness. Their emotional intensity can sometimes overpower others, resulting in these types doing even more helping, performing, or longing and needing for connection.
Type 2 – The Giver focuses on helping and giving, often without regard to self-care. They must give in order to be seen and validated. They have a need for connection and affirmation. Instinctually, their actions may be sincere and without expectations or fueled by the pride they feel when their actions result in praise and thanks.
Type 3 – The Performer exhibits intense, action-forward energy, fueled by desire to be recognized and admired for their success and achievements. They need to achieve and perform. Their drive to succeed can result in deceit in order to achieve or being truthful and transparent.
Type 4 – The Romantic their passionate and creative energy drives their need to be seen as unique, authentic, and special. They long for and idealize what they perceive others have that they don’t. They have deep emotional capacity for others.
Each of us has Emotional Intelligence to varying degrees. The more we trust our heart intelligence, the more we receive in return. The three Heart Center types are part of the Image/Doing Center and connect with the Action Center (Body) and Perceiving Center (Head) by needing to “be seen” for what they offer in balance with all three Centers.
So, let’s celebrate this month of the Heart by noticing our feelings and those of others, and opening our hearts to acceptance, appreciation, tolerance, and compassion for everyone.