March - Month of Change

It’s March - a month of seasonal changes, March Madness, St. Patrick’s Day, and a month named for war (the Latin word Martius, named after Mars, the Roman god of war). Taking action to settle land disputes often resulted in wars, many started during this month.

In Ancient Rome, March was the original start of the year, until the Romans added two more months (January and February), making March the third month of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.” In the Southern Hemisphere, the last days of summer began to fade into fall.

The prominent Body Center energy of change emerges this month. It is felt worldwide, a powerful need to take action by fixing, correcting, and bringing balance and harmony into our lives. This somatic intensity surrounds us as the old season fades and a new one begins.

The Body Center's three types (8 9 1) all share an unconscious motivator called – anger. This deep-rooted energy of sensing what is not “right in the world” drives the body to take control, mediate, and become the standard bearer of perfection. The physical intensity can sometimes overpower others, often triggering these types to push harder, harsher, or withdraw.

Type 8 – The Protector focuses on taking control, leading, and protecting. They take responsibility and demand adherence to what must be done. They have an invisible set of protective armor surrounding them to avoid weakness or vulnerability. Instinctually, their actions can overpower others in their pursuit of excess or lust. They have a hard exterior often disguising a warm, loving capacity to love.

Type 9 – The Peacemaker exhibits suppressed energy that is fueled by a desire to have peace, comfort, and tranquility. They want harmony, balance, and can see all sides of an issue. They tend to merge with others and lose sight of their own needs. However, when triggered the anger energy can arise exponentially until it is released and harmony and peace return.

Type 1 – The Perfectionist lives with a powerful “inner critic” seeking what is right versus wrong and their behavior is absolute. Rules, regulations, structure, and strict adherence to them are essential. Their energy drives their need to perfect others through their projection of righteousness and fairness. Of the three Body Center types, Type 1s often struggle with suppressing their anger energy when triggered. Serenity and acceptance of a non-perfect world relax the intensity of the inner critic and its projection onto others.

Each of us has Somatic Intelligence to varying degrees. The more we trust our body intelligence, the more grounded, secure, and centered we are. The three Body Center types are part of the Action Center and connect with the Image/Doing Center (Heart) and Perceiving Center (Head) by expressing their somatic energy for balance and symmetry with all three Centers.

So, let’s celebrate this month of the Body by noticing the major changes occurring around us and trusting our body’s intelligence as an integral part of bringing our heart and head into harmony.


April - Month of Awakening


February - Month of the Heart